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The Christopher Winter Project

We strongly believe in the importance of providing a broad and balanced curriculum for our children so that all children can flourish educationally, but also socially and emotionally.  For this reason, we believe in the importance of teaching a comprehensive RSE (relationships and sex education) curriculum which gives our children the knowledge and skills necessary to keep themselves safe and healthy in life and in their relationships.


Our children partake in RSE lessons from EYFS to Year 6. 


We follow the RSE scheme as defined by the Christopher Winter Project resource. This programme reflects the recent developments in RSE and the PSHCE and Science National Curriculum and has been quality assured by the PSHE Association.


The Christopher Winter RSE Project 

We understand that different families have different opinions about when it is appropriate to cover various topics related to RSE with their children.  We have considered this, looked at research and taken advice from safeguarding specialists, and have therefore decided that this resource is appropriate for our children.


Within this resource there is an increased focus on safeguarding/keeping children safe. The resource also encourages children to develop the skills of listening, empathy, talking about feelings and relationships with families and friends.

Overview of Age-Appropriate Schemes of Work taught:

EYFS - Our Lives

Lesson 1- Our Day

Lesson 2- Keeping Ourselves Clean

Lesson 3- Families

Year 1 -  Growing and changing

Lesson 1- Keeping Clean

Lesson 2- Growing and Changing

Lesson 3- Families and Care

Year 2 - Growing and changing

Lesson 1- Differences: Boys and Girls

Lesson 2- Differences: Male and Female

Lesson 3- Naming the Body Parts

Year 3 - Valuing Differences and Keeping Safe

Lesson 1- Differences: Male and Female

Lesson 2- Personal Space

Lesson 3- Family Differences

Year 4 - Growing up

Lesson 1- Growing and Changing

Lesson 2- What is Puberty?

Lesson 3- Puberty: Changes and Reproduction

Year 5 - Puberty

Lesson 1- Talking about Puberty

Lesson 2- Male and Female Changes

Lesson 3- Puberty: Puberty and Hygiene

Year 6 - Puberty, Relationship and Reproduction

Lesson 1- Puberty and Reproduction

Lesson 2- Understanding Relationships

Lesson 3- Conception and Pregnancy

Lesson 4- Communicating in Relationships

The RSE programme is delivered during the academic year and we communicate with parents before the start date to fully inform how the scheme will be delivered.  If you would like to discuss anything related to your child's RSE curriculum, please do contact us and we would happily arrange a meeting with you.
