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SIAMS Church Inspection Report

Our last SIAMs Church of England Inspection was in 2024.


We are extremely proud of the things that the inspectors said about our school.  Please do take a moment to read the report, and look at the quotes below.

Here are some of the things that SIAMs 2024 said about our school:


  • "The Christian vision, and supporting biblical story, has united all around a common purpose and ambition for this school. This has inspired the current growth and development of Harrietsham as a Church school."


  • "Everyone has been drawn together around a renewed vision and linked biblical story, the parable of the mustard seed. This focus on a common and shared purpose is driving the school towards the best and broadest outcomes for pupils."


  • "The image of the mustard seed growing into a strong tree marks the close link between nurture and flourishing at Harrietsham.  All are welcomed."


  • "There is a strong sense of fellowship impacting on loving and supportive relationships within the school unit. This has secured Harrietsham through a time of change and created firm roots for its recent journey."


  • "The promotion of strong relationships throughout the school has secured firm roots from which the school has grown."


  • "Collective worship, both as a whole school community and within each class, promotes times of deep reflection. This fosters the spiritual growth of each one. At the same time, it drives a happy and supportive environment focused on the values of love, fellowship and forgiveness."


  • "Collective worship is a time when the school community gathers, generating a deep sense of belonging ...This inspires a caring and loving environment, where there is a strong sense of fellowship and commitment to each other."


  • "The intentions of the Christian vision foster bold decisions that impact upon the curriculum. This has created an engaging learning programme and is enabling all to fulfil their God-given potential."


  • "An engaging curriculum, relevant to the context of the school has been established. This enables all to engage and enjoy learning, supporting them to achieve their God-given potential."


  • "Effective use of big questions within religious education (RE) enables pupils to reflect. This includes on the impact of Christianity and worldviews on themselves and others."


  • "RE is well led by an enthusiastic subject leader ... Pupils respond eagerly to big questions and enquiry-based learning ... They reflect deeply on a range of religions and worldviews, able to apply themes to their own lives."


  • "A deep understanding of the local context of the school has set pupils at the heart of decision making and leadership thinking."


  • "Pupils are gaining a growing sense of personal value and an understanding of how they can manage their own feelings and emotions. ... All speak with great positivity about the value of reciprocal support to enable them to rise above difficulties or challenges."


  • "Governors have worked closely with the school leadership to ensure that the vision is a living reality."


  • "A widening range of after school clubs including music, sport and creative activities excite pupils beyond the classroom."


  • "Spurred on by the parable of the mustard seed all are encouraged to be seed carriers. In this way they take love, fellowship and forgiveness into the class and playground. This is enabling all to have a clear understanding of the impact of their actions in creating a happy school."
  • "Older pupils take great pride in their roles of responsibility, modelling good behaviour to younger pupils."


  • "Harrietsham is a school where the Christian vision and accompanying parable of the mustard seed is inspiring its journey. Everyone is being nurtured to grow and meet their God-given potential within the values of love, fellowship and forgiveness."