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Pupil Performance Information

Our 2024 results have not yet been officially published yet, but you are able to see our school's performance against Kent and National Averages in the graphs below.

Early Years Foundation Stage Data



A higher percentage of our children achieve a Good Level of Development in EYFS than children in Kent and children Nationally.









Our children achieve a higher number of Early Learning Goals in EYFS than children in Kent and children Nationally.

Year 1 Phonics Data



Slightly less of our children last year achieved the expected standard in Year 1 Phonics than children in Kent and Nationally.

Phonics is a focus of our school development plan for the year 2024 - 2025.

Key Stage Two Data





A greater percentage of our children achieve the Expected Standard in Reading at the end of Key Stage Two than children in Kent and Nationally.








A lower percentage of our children achieve a Greater Depth Standard in Reading at the end of Key Stage Two than children in Kent and Nationally.

Greater Depth Reading is a focus of our School Improvement plan for the year 2024 - 2025.







A greater percentage of our children achieve the Expected Standard in Writing at the end of Key Stage Two than children in Kent and Nationally.








A lower percentage of our children achieve a Greater Depth Standard in Writing at the end of Key Stage Two than children in Kent and Nationally.

Greater Depth Writing is a focus of our School Improvement plan for the year 2024 - 2025.







A greater percentage of our children achieve the Expected Standard in Maths at the end of Key Stage Two than children in Kent and Nationally.








A greater percentage of our children achieve a Greater Depth Standard in Maths at the end of Key Stage Two than children in Kent, but slightly less of our children achieve this standard than children Nationally.





GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling)



A greater percentage of our children achieve the Expected Standard in GPS at the end of Key Stage Two than children in Kent and Nationally.








A greater percentage of our children achieve a Greater Depth Standard in GPS at the end of Key Stage Two than children in Kent and Nationally.







Combined Reading, Writing and Maths



A greater percentage of our children achieve the combined Expected Standard in Reading, Writing and Maths at the end of Key Stage Two than children in Kent and Nationally.


Published Performance Data

Please use the link below to find the most up-to-date published data for our school. 
