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Our Parent Reps

Meet our Parent Reps


Our PTFA work extremely hard to organise and run activities for our children and families in order to raise money for our school.  In order to do this, they are supported by our Parent Reps.  We have 1 Parent Rep for each class.


The role of our Parent Reps


Our Parent Reps support our PTFA.  They help to arrange vital support for organised events amongst the parents in their classes. 


They also support the parent body within their classes by ensuring that all parents feel included within our school comminity and connected in some way.  In addition, they support their class teacher.  They will ensure that new parents to the class are added to the class What'sApp group, they will ensure that key messages from the school are passed to parents and they will seek parental support for events as required by the teacher (e.g. school trips etc).



Our Classes

Year R

Ducklings Class


Hi! I'm Florence, the Parent Rep for Ducklings class and Noah’s mummy. Noah started school in September and we are both enjoying being a part of the Harrietsham Primary School family. I also have another little boy called Lucas who enjoys our walks to drop off and picking up Noah. I am a qualified teacher and currently the manager of Harrietsham Preschool and I love being a part of the village community. I look forward to all the exciting things we can do for our little ones! 

Cygnets Class:



Hello, I’m Simoné, mum to Logan who has just joined the Cygnet Class and a daughter, Layla, who is at MGGS.

We have just moved from South Africa, so we are very new here.

I have been a stay at home mum for over 4 years now and love being a mum.

I have worked as a teacher for 5 years and done a bit of marketing in the corporate world.

I love being outdoors and I am passionate about children and animals. 

I enjoy planning events and being creative.

I can’t wait to join the team and help support where support is needed.

Year 1

Kingfishers Class

Hello, my name is Hayley and my son, Elliot, is in Kingfishers class. I have chosen to be the Parent Rep for Kingfishers as I am passionate about providing links between home and school, and as I only work part-time, you will frequently find me on the playground doing the school run. I live in the village with my family and our favourite things to do are take trips to the beach (all year round), go to the zoo (I love tigers and giraffes) and explore new places, but equally I am happy at home with a cuppa!

Year 2

Jays Class



Hi! I’m Rachel, class rep for Jays.
I am Mummy to Michael (Jays) and Erin (Hawks).
We moved to the village 4 years ago and we love living here.
I work full time for a trade union and am lucky to have a job that I love.
As a family, we enjoy spending time with the people we love, from woodland adventures and holidays with friends to visiting family in the big smoke!
I am looking forward to being a class rep and supporting the school community and the PTFA.




Sparrows Class (Shared role)


Hi, I’m Kerri, Mum to Jude (Sparrow’s) and Roma (who is due to start school in September).

We have lived in Lenham for nearly 4 years, and love our life here. As well as being a Mum, I work 4-days a week heading up an Events Team for an international membership association. I have been with my company for 19 years and am lucky to travel around the world! 

I’m also Secretary to Lenham Football Club’s U7’s team, so have to be super organised! 

I am looking forward to supporting the school in my role as Parent Rep for Sparrows class.



Sparrows Class (Shared role)




Hey, I’m Claire.  

I live in Harrietsham and I'm Mum to Reggie who is in Year 6, Hawks, and Maisie who is in Sparrows. I absolutely love being part of Harrietsham Primary School. I have my own little sweetie business where I work from home, which gives me the opportunity to be able to be a part of lots of things with my children. I’m looking forward to being able to help our little ones as Sparrows Class Rep. 

Year 4

Swallows Class





Hi, I’m Nikki, mum to Hollie (Herons) and Liam (Swallows). I’ve lived in Harrietsham for almost 20 years now and am looking forward to being the Swallows class rep and getting more involved in school life. I’m a full time Procurement Manager for a software company, covering the UK and Canada and am also the secretary for Lenham Wanderers U9s football team. Besides being a taxi driver taking my children to various activities, I enjoy playing netball in the Lenham league. Please do reach out if you need anything.

Year 5

Kestrels Class



My name is Stef and I have a daughter in Year 5, and son in Year 9 at The Lenham School. 

Although I don’t live in Harrietsham, we love the school and the local community.  Having moved my daughter here part way through Year 1 we haven’t looked back - I’m always so impressed with the commitment, support and hard work of all of the team at Harrietsham. 

I’ve always been part of fundraising, whether it be through my own school life or now my children’s. I think it’s very important, especially in recent times, to be able to give back and help as much as we can to our children’s resources and to the environment available to them at school, and of course to future children’s too. 

I look forward to helping as much as possible, and am fully aware as a full-time working parent how challenging it can be to feel you are doing enough -  I am sure we can help in any way we can. 

Year 6

Hawks Class



A little about me ... I'm Kirsty, mum to Will who is in Hawks class. I've lived in Harrietsham for 7 years, before that I lived in Bluebell Hill village. I'm 49 years old and have worked as a Civil Servant for 24 years. Many years ago I was an athlete and I am very proud to have been coached by the lovely Fatima Whitbread. I currently play football for Anchorians FC Ladies Vets Team and I am coach to my U11 boys team at Vinters FC.





Herons Class
