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Statement of Intent:

At Harrietsham Church of England Primary School, our intention is that our music curriculum will inspire pupils to develop a love of music, and an enthusiastic response to a high quality, music curriculum, that engages and supports all. In their Music Education, we aim to teach children to develop the key skills of listening, singing, composing, improvising and performing - founded upon the National Curriculum for Music.

Music lessons will uphold the fundamental skills of learning, endorsing good attitudes in lessons, whilst also being fun!

Music at Harrietsham will make use of our beautiful, outdoor environment.

Music will nurture pupils to flourish and will endorse our school vision and values.

Music will contribute to the well-being and nurture of pupils in our school.

Music lessons will provide a forum for rich discussion and expression for all, honing speaking and listening skills, and widening vocabulary. 

Music, by its nature, will richly illustrate the importance of diversity, as pupils discover music from different cultures and periods in history.

Music at Harrietsham will provide wider opportunities for peripatetic learning, community outreach, educational visits and trips, and links with local schools.

Music at Harrietsham will be a celebrated and highly valued feature of our school.

Music Gallery
