Statement of intent:
At Harrietsham Church of England Primary School, we aim for RE to allow every child to flourish and live life in all its fullness. We believe RE is an essential aspect of children’s education - it not only allows them to explore their own spiritual beliefs and development and the beliefs of others, but also provides crucial context for understanding human history, society and culture. Through the RE curriculum, children will be prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in modern Britain, acquiring a rich, deep knowledge and understanding of Christian belief and practice, as well as learning about a range of other religions and worldviews, and the diversity within these, fostering respect for others in the process.
RE is vital in enabling children to see the common ties that bind people across countries and cultures, and to understand that spirituality and belief are an innate and universal part of the human experience. As such, at Harrietsham we aim to encourage children to see links between major world religions at every stage of their school journey.