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Year 3 and 4 Multi-Skills Festival: November 2024

Year 3 and 4 Multi Skills Festival at The Stour Centre Ashford.


Well done to the Year 3 and 4 children who took part in the Multi-skills festival at The Stour Centre in Ashford on Tuesday. It was an excellent event where children got to experience different sports outside of school whilst meeting other school children. I am so proud of the children that I took, they were exemplary - demonstrating all of our values. They participated in races, obstacle races, throwing, jumping and catching activities to name a few. They worked well as teams and encouraged and supported each other and other schools. It was great to watch and be there with them.


I would also like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all the families who transported their children to the event!


This is what the children had to say:


Bartosz: "My favourite was the curling".

Evalyn: "I loved all of it".
