Our School day starts when our school gates open at 8:30am. Members of our Senior Leadership Team are always there to greet you with a huge smile. Sometimes Max or Frodo, our School Dogs, are there to greet you too. They enjoy a lovely morning stroke as you walk past!
Your teachers will be in your classrooms ready to meet you. They will be excited to hear about your evening at home. You will probably have some Early Morning Work to complete.
Our School gates close at 8:50am. Please make sure you are in school by this time, ready to start learning.
Your teachers will take the register and make sure that everyone is in school, on time.
At 9am, you will go to Worship, usually in the hall.
You will then complete some morning lessons. These may be Reading or Phonics, Writing or Maths lessons.
At Breaktime (10:15am for Key Stage One and EYFS and 10:30am for Key Stage Two) you will be able to play on the playground with your friends.
You will then complete some more lessons.
Lunchtime is at 11:30am for EYFS and Key Stage One and at 12:00am for Key Stage Two. You will be able to have a School Dinner or a Packed Lunch. You will eat in the hall with your friends. Your lunchtime will be an hour long, so there will be plenty of time to play on the playground. We are an OPAL School (See our OPAL Page) so there is plenty to play with.
In the afternoon, you will complete some more lessons in your classes. You may complete Topic lessons that include RE, Geography, History, Science, Art, DT, Computing, Music, PE or French.
Our school day ends at 3:20pm when your grown-ups at home will collect you from the playground. A member of our Senior Leadership Team will be on the gate at the end of the day, ready to wave you goodbye.
Our School day is always varied, but below gives you a rough idea of some of the things that you can expect of a school day at Harrietsham C of E Primary School.
The school is open for a total of 32.5 hours per week.