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Meet the Governors

Harrietsham Church of England Primary School Governing Body



Our Governors:

Mrs Jo Greasley (Chair)
Mr Chris Back (Vice-chair)
Mrs Jackie Chambers (Headteacher)
Mr Simon Betts
Ms Emily Brazier
Mrs Rebecca Emson
Mr Tim Griffiths
Rev. Dr John Huggins
Mrs Einir Roberts
2 Parent Vacancies

1 Foundation Governor Vacancy

We are made up of a cross section of this vibrant community – parents, staff and local representatives who give their time and knowledge to the school. This cross section of influence allows our Board to maintain the character of our Church of England school and its great relationship with the wider community including strong links to our local churches in the Len Valley Benefice.

If you would like to get in touch with the Governing Board, please email us at


The Governing Board has three key functions:


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.


How do we work?

We work in partnership with the Headteacher and her senior leaders to make the school the best it can be for all staff and pupils. It is our responsibility to set the ethos, vision and strategic direction of this welcoming and inclusive village school and ensure all statutory duties are met. We do not get involved in the day-to-day running of the school which is the responsibility of the Headteacher and her team. Governors are all volunteers and do not get paid for being governors.

Meet our Governors

A little about us:


Jo Greasley

Chair of Governors (Local Authority Governor)

Lead roles: HT Performance Management Panel; Quality of Education Committee; Finance & Personnel Committee; Safeguarding Governor

Term of office: 8th July 2021 - 7th July 2024

Register of Business Interests: None

I’m very pleased to have another chance to work with this lovely school. Some of you may know me from my time as an LSA in Dormice Class (Year 2) which I enjoyed immensely. I’ve lived in the village with my husband and step-daughter for nearly 25 years and have seen many changes not least with the school itself.  I love taking long walks with our dog, Basil, and spending time travelling. I’m hoping my prior knowledge of the school and skills and experience from my career in central Government will help the school to continue to prosper.


Chris Back

Vice-Chair of Governors (Parent Governor)

Lead roles: Data, Progress & Assessments, Quality of Education Committee

Term of office: 14th November 2022 - 13th November 2025

Register of Business Interests: None


Jackie Chambers


Term of office

Register of Business Interests: Headteacher at School

I am absolutely honoured to be the Headteacher of Harrietsham Church of England Primary School and I am delighted to be working with such a skilled and passionate Governing Body.  I have worked in education for 20 years and I am looking forward to helping our school to continue on its journey so that every child in our care can truly flourish in all aspects of their education with us.


Simon Betts

Parent Governor

Lead roles:  HT Performance Management Panel; Pastoral Committee; Safeguarding Governor

Term of office: 7th October 2021 - 6th October 2024

Register of Business Interests: None

My background is in running commercial teams for large organisations, this have provided me the skill set in creating high performing teams, who are set up to deliver their plans with all the support in place. It also means I am used to numbers, budgets and tackling complex problems. I hope this experience will help Harrietsham continue to perform at the highest level for staff and children and the wider community.


Emily Brazier

Foundation Governor

Lead roles: Quality of Education Committee; EYFS Governor

Term of office: 10th May 2022 - 9th May 2025

Register of Business Interests: None


Rebecca Emson

Co-opted Governor

Lead roles: Chair – Quality of Education Committee; SEND Governor, Training and Development Governor

Term of office: 18th March 2021 - 17th March 2024

Register of Business Interests: None


Tim Griffiths

Parent Governor

Lead roles: Finance & Personnel Committee

Term of office:

Register of Business Interests: None


Revd. John Huggins

Foundation Governor (Ex-Officio)

Lead roles: Chair – Pastoral Committee; HT Performance Management Panel (Chair)

First appointed on: 30th October 2017

Register of Business Interests: None

I joined the Governing Body as an Ex-Officio Foundation Governor after being licensed to be Priest-in-Charge of Len Valley Benefice, which includes Harrietsham. I have a background in leadership within science and industry, and am of course trained in pastoral care and child development and spirituality. In my previous post, I was chair of Governors of a small village school and took particular interest in monitoring EYFS. I look forward to helping the school continue to build on their school vision of quality teaching within a Christian ethos.


Einir Roberts

Co-opted Governor

Lead roles: Finance & Personnel Committee, Health & Safety

Term of office: 30th November 2022 - 29th November 2025

Register of Business Interests: Parent of teacher in school


Jackie Frost

Staff Governor

Term of office:

Register of Business Interests: Teacher in School
