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Dragonflies Class Year 3

Welcome to Dragonfly Class!


My name is Miss Roberts and our wonderful Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Simmons. We are going to do lots of exciting learning this year which is engaging and active; our first topic in Year 3 is 'The Stone Age'!


Here are some fun facts about dragonflies! Do you know any more?


  • There are over 3,600 kinds of dragonflies on the planet.
  • Dragonflies have sharp teeth. They are fierce hunters. Some dragonflies float over the water like hawks looking for prey whilst others dart about grabbing prey quickly. They can even catch insects with their feet!
  • A dragonfly can eat hundreds of mosquitoes in a single day.
  • Dragonflies can fly straight up and down and side to side.
  • They have a hard shell called an exoskeleton on the outside of the body.
  • Dragonflies have been here for more than 300 million years. Ancient dragonflies had wings that were 2 feet across! They were probably big enough to eat a small pet.