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Dormice Class Year 2

Welcome Year 2 Dormice!



Hello! My name is Miss Thorne and I will be your class teacher for Year 2.  
We also have Miss Glenday as our lovely LSA every day. 


In Year 2, we will continue to build upon the knowledge and skills covered in Year 1, whilst encouraging a greater level of independence in our learning. We will use a range of practical, written and verbal tasks to keep our learning fun and engaging. We will be covering all Year 2 requirements in the National Curriculum (2014) as well as additional exciting content.  


Supporting your child in Year 2: 


Children will be given two books each week to read at home. Their learn to read book will be either an e-book or a levelled book to match their phonics knowledge, we will inform you weekly of which book you have been given. Their love to read book will be a book chosen by the child which will be beyond their phonics knowledge, this is to encourage a love of reading. We strongly encourage reading with your child as much as possible at home.  


Children will have a reading journal with their learn to read book for adults to comment on the child’s reading, we ask that these are returned to school every day.  


You will be given weekly home learning tasks and spellings to learn each week via Tapestry, work should be uploaded to Tapestry for teachers to feedback.  


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the office email or at the classroom door.  


We are really excited for the year ahead and can’t wait to have fun with all you Dormice
